Soledad Mountain Project, Crushing Plant Phase 4

The Soledad Mountain Project, Crushing Plant Phase 4 Project is a welded wire wall constructed in June 2015. The project is located in Mojave, Kern County, California. The MSE wall designer is Kirk Cesaretti, P.E., Ontiveros, Cesaretti & Prebor.

Wall details:

•    Welded Wire Wall (two angle points for ore dump, four angle points for fine ore bin)
•    Maximum Wall Height of 54’
•    Maximum Mat Length of 39’
•    Loads for ore dump: Traffic Surcharge - Komatsu HD785-7 Dump Truck
Loaded at 366,000 lbs Distrubuted evenly on 18'x20' Pad LL = 1020 psf Behind Wheel Berm 4' from Face of Wall Concrete Pad (2' Thick) - DL 300 psf
•    Loads for fine ore bin: Concrete Pad (3' Thick @ 20’ from face of wall) - DL 450 psf 27’Ø Tank Empty – DL 120 kips on 2,000 sf slab (60 psf) Tank Potential Load – LL 1,841 kips on 2,000 sf slab (920 psf) Conveyor footing Load – LL 625 psf @ 4’ from face of wall
•    Seismic acceleration of 0.20g
•    30-year design life – Hot Dip Galvanized steel
•    8,128 SF of Welded Wire Wall for ore dump
•    10,656 SF of Welded Wire Wall for fine ore bin
•    105 CY of ArtWeld Gabions for fine ore bin

Wall Type:
Welded Wire Wall
Wire Type:
Owner Type:
Wall Height:
Over 30'
Wall Size:
Over 5000 SF
35.0524699, -118.1739645