Meeker Colorado Mine Crusher Wall

The Meeker Colorado Mine Crusher Wall was built in 2018 by EarthTech West Ltd, and was designed by Jepsen Engineering.

Wall Details:

•    Welded Wire Wall (four angle points)
•    Maximum Wall Height of 80’
•    Maximum Mat Length of 58.25’
•    Loads: 750 PSF for a Komatsu 830E-Mine Haul Truck
•    30- year design life – Hot- Dipped Galvanized
•    13,296 SF (Crusher Wall) 2,336 SF (Wing Walls)

Chihuahua, Mexico Mining Application

The Chihuahua, Mexico Mining Application project is two welded wire walls constructed in July. The engineers on the project are Kappes, Cassiday & Associates. The MSE wall designer is Tom Jepsen, P.E., Jepsen Engineering. 

Wall Details:

•    Welded Wire Walls, two 
•    Maximum Wall Height of 54’
•    Maximum Mat Length of 38’
•    Uniform Live Load Surcharge of 600 PSF for a CAT 777 mine haul truck
•    Seismic Acceleration of 0.08g
•    25-year design life – Hot Dip Galvanized steel
•    28,840 SF

The Mazapil, Mexico Mine

Mazapil Near-Pit Sizer Mining Project is a welded wire wall constructed from November 2011 to March 2012. The project is located in Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico. The wall builder was Gluyas Construcciones.

Wall Details:

  • 2 Welded Wire Walls (3 angle points & 2 angle points)
  • 50-year design life [hot-dipped galvanized steel)
  • Uniform live load surcharge of 700 psf
  • Maximum Wall Height of 58’
  • Maximum Mat Length of 38’
  • 48,614 SF (4,518 SM)

State of Durango, Mexico Mining Project

State of Durango, Mexico Mining Project is a welded wire wall project constructed in November 2017. The project is located 100 km N of the City of Durango, State of Durango, Mexico. The projects wall designer was Topografia Ingenieria Integral. 

•    Welded Wire Wall (two angle points)
•    Maximum Wall Height of 30’
•    Maximum Mat Length of 22’
•    10-year design life – Black steel
•    5,192 SF (248 SF Spare Parts)

Crusher Wall at Butler Quarry

The Crusher Wall at Butler Quarry project is a Welded Wire Wall Constructed in 2004.  The wall is located in Butler, Kentucky and was designed by Geotechnical Design Services.

Wall Details:

  • Crusher Wall: 3,792 SF, variable base

  • 20 year design life (Non-Galvanized Steel )

  • Seismic Acceleration of 0.1g

  • Design Loading: CAT 785C Off-Highway Mine Truck (550,000 lbs. GVW)

  • Maximum Wall height 46’

  • Maximum Mat length of  42’

Mariposa Port of Entry

The Mariposa Port of Entry Project is a Welded Wire Wall and ArtWeld Gabions.  The Mariposa Port of Entry wall is 52 feet tall and 86,000 sf, and also consists of 500 cy of Artweld Gabions.  The Wall is owned by the General Services Administration Public Building Service, it was designed by Geotechnical Design Systems, and was built by Advanced Paving and Construction. 
