101 Cooks Valley EFA Wall

The 101 Cooks Valley EFA Wall was an emergency repair for Caltrans in 2023.  The wall is 14' tall, 1968 SF, and located near Cooks Valley, Humboldt County, CA.  The wall was built by Granite Construction, Inc., designed by Cesaretti Engineered Solutions, and owned by Caltrans.

112th St. South

The 112th Street South project is a Spiralnail wall constructed in 2023.  The wall consists of 2328 SF of wire-truss and 122 Spiralnails.  The wall was constructed by KeyWest Retaining Systems, Inc., designed by Cesaretti Engineered Solutions / The County of Pierce, and owned by the County of Pierce.

Gold Run Pass Mine

The Gold Run Pass Mine project is a Welded Wire Wall that was constructed in 2023.  The wall is 14' tall, 2176 SF, and located in Healy, AK. The wall was designed by Shannon & Wilson. It was constructed and is owned by Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc.

US 20 Safety Upgrades

The US 20 Safety Upgrades project is a Welded Wire Wall constructed in 2022 for the Oregon Dept. of Transportation.  The wall is 24' tall, 19,904 SF and located in Benton County, OR.  The wall was constructed by HP Civil, Inc., and designed by Cesaretti Engineered Solutions.
